Monday, April 27, 2015

Hip, Hip, Hooray for Leadership Day!

Wow!!!! These kids did a fantastic job showing off all their talents and hard work.  Every child in our classroom was able to talk with some of our guests and share some of their learning and leadership roles and skills.  I was one proud teacher sitting back and listening to your students.  Thank you to all of you who helped out by practicing with your child, sending props with your child, getting them in their ilead shirt and to school, stopping in during a practice to help us get some real practice in, allowing kids to stay late a couple days, etc. you are all very much appreciated.  It definitely takes a village at times.  I wasn't able to snag very many pictures since we were a little busy, but here is one picture of us enjoying our popsicles outside as a little payment for our busy day!

Can you believe we are at the end of April already!  Below you will find some upcoming dates we have, please be aware that as we begin our final month of school there are often disruptions to our typical day.  If you know in advance that your child is going to be absent please let us know as soon as possible.  We are working hard to do our best to reach our end of the year goals in all areas.  Please offer reminders to your kiddos that we need to do our best until the very end and work hard!!!!!
Reading: Continuing to work on our reading theme: Amazing Animals!

Social Studies with Mrs. Kulow: Continuing their Economics unit and discussing taxes.

Science with Mr. Bridgewater: Learning about the life cycle of plants.

Writing with Mr. Johnson: Focusing on having a beginning, middle, and end in all writing pieces.

Health with Mrs. Sheahan: Discussing gardens and the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables.

Comprehension Toolkit with Ms. Light: Finishing up informative research posters.

·       Tues., Apr. 28th: Pineview Spring Concert – 7:30 pm at the High School (Students need to meet at the front stair case in the high school at 7:15 pm)

·       Fri. May 1st: Muffins for Moms – 7:45 a.m.

·       Mon., May 4th : Go the Distance Day – Be sure to wear tennis shoes.
·       May6th -12th: Houghton Mifflin and Fast Reading tests.
·       Thu. May 7th: Happy Birthday Lydia!
·       Fri. May 8th: Donuts for Dads – 7:45 a.m. and PTO Carnival at 5:30 p.m. at the high school.

·       Tues., May 12th: Field Day – Be sure to wear tennis shoes
·      Mon. May 25th: No School
·       Tue. May 26th: Visit Rock Run from 1:30-3:00

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring has Sprung

We have been busy with a few new projects.  A highlight for the students this month has definitely been the use of the lap tops.  We are so fortunate to have so much technology at our finger tips.  One of the most fun things students have been exploring with has been a program in which they learn the beginning steps for writing computer codes.  This program is a wonderful tool that adjust to meet each child and challenges them as they pass levels.  Students are working on a variety of problem solving skills and higher order thinking.  They are hooked in right away with the technology component and the fact that the characters they use start out as angry birds, and gradually move up to eventually some of the frozen characters I believe.  We had the opportunity to see how this program works not only when you do it as an individual, but also with other students, where one student is in the driver seat and the other is the navigator.  In the short time the kids worked together we enjoyed seeing tons of universal skills being put in to place.  We have worked a lot this month on the "P" word, perseverance. For many students this program tests their patience.  Here are a few images of the kids working with their first grade buddies to use the CODE program.

Another big project we have had this past week has been planting some of the starter plants for the Pineview garden.  In the past the garden has been primarily a 1st grade exploration.  This year we are focusing on synergizing and making it more of a school wide project.  This is a little scary considering this teacher has a black thumb..... Good thing the kids are in charge of the plants.  They planted them and have started to see their sprouts.  Some will have to get cut back to only one or two per pellet.  
Lettuce and Spinach


peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes


Upcoming Dates
April 3-6 Easter break
April 9th- Go to the High School to watch the musical
April 10th- Grand-friends' Day
April 23rd- Leadership Day
April 28th- Spring Concert
May 1st- Muffins for Mom's
May 8th- Donuts for Dad's